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Interaction with Occtoo occurs, from a technical viewpoint, through one of two use cases: as an integration component ingesting data to the platform or as a consumer of data using an Occtoo destination. The purpose of this page is to provide the reader with an understanding of how integration is performed within these two use cases.

Onboarding SDK

To ease any integration work we've created a nuget package with a onboarding SDK. The package covers integrations of both data and media resources and the code can be found on our Github page. The nuget is available via


Interaction with the ingest API requires authentication to ensure that only authorized applications can perform the actions available via the API. This requirement extends to protected destinations, which also demand authentication before granting access to their resources. Occtoo utilizes OAuth 2.0 and bearer tokens to ensure secure authorization and access to the right resources.

OAuth 2.0 is an open standard framework for authorization that enables third-party applications to access a user's resources without exposing their credentials. It is commonly used for delegated access, allowing users to grant limited access to their resources on one site to another site or application without sharing their credentials.

A bearer token is one of the authentication methods employed in OAuth 2.0. In this method, a bearer token is a string representing the authorization granted to the client. The client includes this token in the Authorization header when making requests to access protected resources. The server validates the token and grants access if it is valid. Bearer tokens are self-contained and do not require additional information to be presented during the authentication process.