- Destination - version description added
- Destination - copy button for destination id and client id
- Destination - added "Past 30 days" to request graph
- Cards - changes tab only visible when changes exist
- Source - copy button added for identifiers and entry values
- Media - description on media folder
- Inconsistant handling of boolean values for segment filters
- Possible to save datasources with same id using different casing
- Determining media extension is case sensitive
- Facet checkbox for segment might get different sizes
- Incorrect text formatting when resetting a destination application secret
- Several consecutive CSV imports causes Studio to crash
- Language code incorrectly interpreted as specific language when viewing data in segments
- Invalid search request on destination returns 500 response instead of 400 - Bad Request
- Mass updating media can fail when selecting more than 300 assets
- Destination segment display not properly formatted when many segments are selected
- Warn user that upload will break if navigating away from media upload
- Partner search improved to not only include the alphabetic characters a-z
- Deleted datasources sometimes still visible in Studio
- Clear filters for digit ranges in segments not working properly