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Work with the Dashboard

After logging in you will be met with the the landing page for Occtoo Studio, which is the Dashboard.

An image from the static

Under Block summary we have a numeric overview of the following:

  • Sources - Total amount of sources created.
  • Cards - Total amount of cards created.
  • Segments - Total amount of segments created.
  • Destinations - Total amounts of destinations created.

Favorites - Shows Destinations, Segments, Cards and/or Sources marked as favorites - which makes for faster and easier access. To mark one of the entities as a favorite - press the star shaped icon in the lower right corner - as seen on the picture below.

An image from the static

Top destinations - An overview of the destinations with the most amount of requests generated during a specified interval. An image from the static


You can filter on:

  • Requests - Total requests towards the top destinations.
  • Bandwith - Bandwith used on the top destinations.

You can also filter on the amount of days:

  • Today
  • Past 7 days
  • Past 30 days
  • All time

Media - A breakdown of the amount of storage used per asset type and the amount of total assets stored. An image from the static


There are a total amount of four different asset types.