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Generate documentation for a destination

You can generate documentation for a destination in JSON format - to do this, follow the steps below:

  • Click on your destination - from there you can see multiple tabs - Overview, Endpoints, Regions, Languages, Analytics, Settings and Documentation
  • Click on the tab named Documentation
  • Click on Download

From there on, choose either:

  • Download JSON
  • Download JSON & Examples(depending on what kind of docuementation you are looking for)
  • This will generate a data-model output in .json format

An image from the static

You can also compare the differences in the data-model across several versions of the destination, to do this press on the Compare-button.

An image from the static


You will now be able to see what has changed in a side-by-side view from the previous version number published.

An image from the static

The documentation-tab can be helpful and can also be used to see what queryble parameters we have on the destination.

An image from the static


In the left side of the pane - we have the Overview - under this we can see what endpoints we have available and which ones we can query on. If you press on one of the endpoints - you can also see what specific paramaters we can query on in our API-request.

An image from the static

In the image above you can see all of our query parameters - we can add these in our request (for example, &language in the request) when making specific calls towards the API.


if you have a localized string for example - and you want to make a request towards a specific language - you can add "&language=no" in your request to receieve all the localized fields in the Norwegian language.