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Register an application

Before you can query on a protected destination - you need to register an application (i.e. user). You will receieve a ClientId and a SecretKey when creating an application - this will be used to generate a token which is then used to access the destination.

  • Open your destination in the detail view.
  • Click on the tab Application.
  • Click on + Add application.

An image from the static

An image from the static


You are only able to see the clinet secret when creating the application

An image from the static

An image from the static


To be able to use the destination external following is needed

  • Destination ID - You find this in the tab "Settings"
  • Client ID - You find that under your created application
  • Client secret - You find that when the Application is created

An image from the static


If you are using a Dynamic or a Static Destination you are only allow to create one application